Category Archives: Culture and Tradition

Have a Scottish Hogmanay on Islay
Hogmanay is the Scots word for New Year’s Eve and it’s a huge celebration in Scotland. Here on Islay, the southernmost island of the Inner…
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Family-Friendly Winter Activities on Islay
As the cold season sweeps over the beautiful Isle of Islay there are plenty of family-friendly winter activities on Islay to participate in.
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Shopping on Islay - great gift ideas
Coming up with great gift ideas isn’t easy! Luckily for you, there are plenty of great gift ideas for men and women on Islay. Here’s our list.
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Islay whisky facts
Whisky production is one of the main industries here on the Scottish isle of Islay. Many visitors come here each year because they love Islay whisky…
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Try these Scottish pizza toppings
Scotland is known for many things, including its lakes, mountains, whisky, and, of course, its food. Scottish food is incredibly varied, super tasty, and…
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Islay Myths and Legends
Scots love to tell stories, and the people of Islay are no exception. Our Scottish island is surrounded by myth and folklore. Tales of giants…
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Interesting facts about Islay
Today, we’re sharing some interesting facts about Islay, so you can get to know our wee Scottish isle a little better before you come to visit us…
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Scots Gaelic words to learn on Islay
Although the main language spoken on Islay today is English, we have many Scots Gaelic speakers too. In fact, around 25% of us speak Gaelic…
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